Preanalytical processing of archaeological mammal enamel apatite carbonates for stable isotope investigations
A comparative analysis of the effect of acid treatment on samples from Northwest Australia. Stable isotopic analysis of palaeontological and archaeological biogenic apatite carbonates from herbivorous mammalian species represents an important tool for worldwide palaeoecological research.
Jane Skippington 1,2, Peter Veth 1,5, Tiina Manne 3, Michael Slack 4,5
Australian Archaeology 50 Voices, 104-105
Quaternary Science Reviews
A 47,000 year archaeological and palaeo-environmental record
from Juukan 2 rockshelter on the western Hamersley Plateau of the Pilbara region, Western Australia.
Michael J. Slack a,b,c,*, W. Boone Law b,c,d, Adelle C.F. Coster e, Kane Ditchfield f,g, Judith Field h, Jillian Garvey i, Luke A. Gliganic j,k, Patrick Moss l, Jarrad W. Paul m, Wendy Reynen g, Ingrid Ward n, Sally Wasef o, Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation p
The Conversation
The Conversation June 2024 (150,000 reads).
The first published results from Juukan Gorge show 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage was destroyed in mining blast.
The Juukan 2 rockshelter was blown up in 2020. The results of an archaeological dig carried out six years earlier are only now being published for the first time.
Slack, M.J., Ralph, J., Law W.B. June 2024
Quaternary Science Reviews
Quaternary Science Reviews
A 47,000 year archaeological and palaeo-environmental record
from Juukan 2 rockshelter on the western Hamersley Plateau of the Pilbara region, Western Australia.
Michael J. Slack a,b,c,*, W. Boone Law b,c,d, Adelle C.F. Coster e, Kane Ditchfield f,g, Judith Field h, Jillian Garvey i, Luke A. Gliganic j,k, Patrick Moss l, Jarrad W. Paul m, Wendy Reynen g, Ingrid Ward n, Sally Wasef o, Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura Aboriginal Corporation p